Copying Files Between Docker Containers and Host Machines

Docker is a powerful platform for developing, shipping, and running applications inside lightweight, portable containers. A common task when working with Docker is transferring files between the container and the host machine. This article will guide you through the process of copying files from a Docker container to a host and vice versa, providing detailed explanations and examples suitable for beginners.

Understanding Docker Containers and Hosts

Before diving into file copying, it’s important to understand the relationship between Docker containers and the host machine:

  • Docker Container: A Docker container is a standardized unit of software that packages up code and all its dependencies so the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another.
  • Host Machine: This is the physical or virtual machine on which Docker is installed and running. It could be your personal computer, a server, or any machine capable of running Docker.


  • Docker Installed: Ensure Docker is installed on your host machine. You can download it from Docker Hub.
  • Running Container: You should have a Docker container running on your machine. You can check the running containers using the command docker ps.

Copying Files from Docker Container to Host

To copy files from a Docker container to your host machine, you use the docker cp command. The syntax is as follows:

docker cp <container_id>:<path_to_file_in_container> <path_to_destination_on_host>


Suppose you have a Docker container running with the ID abc123, and you want to copy a file located at /usr/src/app/data.txt from the container to your host machine’s desktop.

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. Run the following command:
docker cp abc123:/usr/src/app/data.txt ~/Desktop/data.txt

This command will copy data.txt from the specified path inside the container to the Desktop of your host machine.

Copying Files from Host to Docker Container

To copy files from your host machine to a Docker container, you use the docker cp command in a slightly different way. The syntax is:

docker cp <path_to_file_on_host> <container_id>:<path_to_destination_in_container>


If you want to copy a file from your host machine’s desktop called config.json to the /etc/config directory inside a Docker container with the ID abc123, you would do the following:

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. Run the command:
docker cp ~/Desktop/config.json abc123:/etc/config/config.json

This command will copy config.json from your Desktop to the /etc/config directory inside the specified container.

Detailed Explanation

  • Container ID: This is a unique identifier for your running Docker container. You can find it by running docker ps.
  • Paths: The paths used in the commands must be absolute paths, both in the container and on the host.

Tips for Beginners

  • Permissions: Ensure that the Docker daemon has permission to access the directories and files on your host machine.
  • File Paths: Double-check the file paths to make sure they are correct. A wrong path can lead to errors or copying the wrong files.
  • Use Container Names: Instead of using container IDs, you can also use container names to make the commands more readable.


Copying files between Docker containers and host machines is a straightforward process once you understand the basic commands and syntax. This functionality is crucial for tasks such as configuration, backups, and when working with data generated by applications running inside containers. By mastering these commands, you can enhance your Docker workflow and manage your containers more effectively.

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