Docker Volume Mounts: Essential Flags

Each Docker mount point flag serves specific scenarios that can enhance the functionality, security, and efficiency of containerized applications. By understanding and applying these flags appropriately, developers and system administrators can optimize their Docker environments to suit various operational needs, from simple web hosting to complex, distributed applications in a microservices architecture.

1. Read-Only (:ro)

Scenario: Hosting Static Websites
Suppose you are deploying a static website using an Nginx Docker container. The website’s files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) do not need to be modified by the container once deployed.


docker run -d -p 80:80 -v /host/webdata:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro nginx


  • The host directory /host/webdata contains the static website files.
  • This directory is mounted into the Nginx container at /usr/share/nginx/html.
  • The :ro flag ensures that the Nginx server cannot alter the files, preventing any accidental or malicious modifications.

2. Read-Write (:rw)

Scenario: Application Logging
Imagine you have an application that needs to write logs persistently so that logs are retained even after the container restarts or is removed.


docker run -d -v /host/applogs:/app/logs:rw myapp


  • The host directory /host/applogs is used to store log files generated by the application running in the Docker container.
  • The :rw flag allows the application to write new log entries to files within the /app/logs directory.

3. Shared (:shared)

Scenario: Development Environment
In a development environment, multiple containers might need to access and modify a common set of files, such as source code or resources.


docker run -d -v /host/project:/workspace:shared coder1
docker run -d -v /host/project:/workspace:shared coder2


  • Both containers coder1 and coder2 mount the same host directory /host/project.
  • The :shared flag allows changes made by one container to be immediately visible to the other, facilitating a collaborative development environment.

4. RShared (:rshared)

Scenario: Kubernetes Volume Propagation
In a Kubernetes cluster, you might need to ensure that any mounts created by a container in a pod are visible to other pods, possibly on different nodes.


docker run -d -v /host/data:/data:rshared global-data-provider


  • The container global-data-provider mounts /host/data.
  • The :rshared flag ensures that if this container creates new mounts within /data, these mounts are propagated to all other containers that use any mount under /host/data.
  • This is particularly useful in environments where volume sharing across multiple nodes is required.

5. :z and :Z

These flags are used to automatically adjust the SELinux labels of the host files to allow containers to read and write them.

  • :z: This label indicates that the volume content is shared among multiple containers.
  • :Z: This label indicates that the volume content is private and specific to that container.


docker run -v /host/path:/container/path:z nginx

6. --mount Option

While not a flag, the --mount syntax provides more explicit and verbose options compared to the -v or --volume syntax. It supports different types of mounts (like volume, bind, or tmpfs), and allows for additional settings such as readonly.


docker run --mount type=bind,source=/host/path,target=/container/path,readonly nginx

7. --tmpfs

This option mounts a temporary file storage in the container’s filesystem. It can be used to store temporary application data without persisting it to disk.


docker run --tmpfs /tmp nginx

8. --volumes-from

This flag allows one container to use the volume of another container. It’s useful for sharing data between containers, especially in complex applications where multiple services need access to the same data.


docker run --volumes-from other-container nginx

9. :nocopy

This modifier can be used with the --mount option for volumes. It tells Docker not to copy data from a container path to a new volume, which can be useful when the default behavior of copying data is not desired.


docker run --mount type=volume,source=myvolume,target=/app,data:nocopy myapp

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