WordPress on PHP-FPM & Caddy in Docker

WordPress on PHP-FPM & Caddy in Docker

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) used to create and manage websites. It allows users to easily create and publish content using a user-friendly interface. Running WordPress in a Docker container allows for easier management, scalability, and portability of the WordPress installation. It provides a consistent environment for running WordPress, simplifies deployment, and allows for easy testing and experimentation with different configurations.

How to install NextCloud via Docker

How to install NextCloud via Docker

Nextcloud is an open-source platform for file-sharing and collaboration services. It provides a self-hosted and secure environment for managing files, calendars, contacts, tasks, and collaborating on documents. With Nextcloud, users can have control over their data and avoid relying on third-party cloud services. It offers strong security and privacy features, such as end-to-end encryption and two-factor authentication. Nextcloud is highly customizable with plugins and integrations and can be used for personal or enterprise-level collaboration.