PHP Image Magick Drop Shadow

PHP Image Magick Drop Shadow

Want to add a simple drop shadow on any image? well here’s how to do it on the fly via PHP and Image Magick. < ?php $img = new Imagick(‘images/image.jpg’); $img->setImageFormat(‘png’); $shadowed = $img->clone(); $drop_shadow = $img->clone(); $drop_shadow->setImageBackgroundColor( new ImagickPixel( ‘black’ ) ); $drop_shadow->shadowImage( 80, 3, 5, 5 ); $drop_shadow->compositeImage( $img, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 0, 0 );…

Directory FileCount

Directory FileCount

I have close to 3000 images in a folder and needed to know exactly how many for a stupid bet I made. I dont feel like counting them! there must be something in the linux world to make this easier…. well there is. simple extension of the ls command. my directory is called images but…

bash file listing with markup

bash file listing with markup

every now and again we need to take a bunch of file names from a folder and output then into a single file. sometimes with markup around them. Well there’s always ls. ls > test.txt this nets you the following in a file: 0.png 1.png blockcontent_h.png blockcontent_s.png blockcontent_v.png blockheader.png what if you want markup around…